Revision Weekends
Prepare for Exams the HA Way!
Get ready for exams at High Adventure! Preparing for exams includes teaching pupils how to revise, building confidence and sharing relaxation techniques. Our new revision weekends carefully balance teacher lead revision time with outdoor activities geared to build confidence and the option to include a yoga session for relaxation (subject to availability).
Studies have shown that just 20 minutes of exercise before studying can improve your concentration and help you focus your learning so getting your pupils to combine revision with activities will really give their learning a boost!
Example Revision Weekend Schedule
Arrive around 3.30pm
Welcome & Tour
Revision Time (teachers & pupils)
Indoor Cave Maze
High Ropes
Revision Time (teachers & pupils)
Yoga Session (optional extra) or Activity
Depart around 12pm
Benefits of Revision Weekends
Exams can be stressful times for pupils, with some students needing additional help and support with revision & relaxation techniques. What better way to do this than a revision weekend!
Taking pupils away is the perfect way to support and help pupils revise whilst enabling them to exercise, build confidence and relax. It is widely known that outdoor activities are very good for mental and physical well-being so encouraging pupils to participate and enjoy such activities will help them be exam ready.
Benefits of Revision Weekends
Time away from home & school to revise, prepare & refresh
Improved focus & sleep
Additional support from teachers & peers
Improved self-esteem & confidence
The feel good factor
A boost to mental health
Structured time to revise with support of teachers & peers
A balanced weekend that teaches pupils how to combine work & a healthy lifestyle