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Terms & Conditions

Please read and ensure that you understand the following terms and conditions before you book.


1. The cost of your booking is

Silver- 2 Hour Activity Session - £150

Gold- 2 Hour Activity Session & Party Room Hire- £170

Platinum- 2 Hour Activity Session, Buffet Food & Party Room Hire- £210

Please select the appropriate option and make the  payment via our website.

2. Your Booking is confirmed, and you are bound by the booking conditions once High Adventure has received your payment.


3. Your payment should be made at the time of booking.


4. Cancellations: In the event of cancellation, no refunds will be provided. 


5. All prices are inclusive of VAT.


6. Your Booking can be revised upwards should your numbers increase, although this would be subject to availability and may cost extra if the numbers exceed 12 participants.


7. Arrival / Departure Times: You will select your arrival time on booking.  Each party lasts 2 hours. It is your responsibility to check the timings are correct and to keep the centre up to date with any possible changes to the timings.


8. Disclaimer: By agreeing to the terms and conditions you are agreeing to act in ‘loco parentis’ and give permission to allow your group to take part in your agreed programme of activities including outdoor venues and indoor climbing walls.

9. Medical and Dietary information. Medical/Dietary and Contact details must be accurate, and you must contact the office immediately to disclose any changes to the information provided on booking.

10. All participants should wear clothing suitable for being active and outside, whatever the weather.

11. Consent. When you book your party you are consenting to the following:

I agree to my son / daughter taking part in the High Adventure programme of activities.

I acknowledge the need for good conduct & responsible behaviour on his / her part.

I declare my child/children to be in good health & physically able to participate in all the activities.

I will ensure that any changes in circumstances which will affect my child’s participation in the visits will be notified to High Adventure prior to the activity.

I understand that the activities my child/children will be participating in involve a level of risk and that my child/children will be briefed by High Adventure staff on the safe participation of the activities, any actions undertaken by my child/children outside of this may expose my child to higher levels of risk.

I understand that failure to meet the requirements of the participation statement and/or the behaviour contract by my child/children will result in them being excluded from the programme.

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